

Things I can or have done

Fortunatly I had the chance to learn a few other programmers, while running Q Software Solutions GmbH. It should be clear that I learned from them things they know better than me, e.g Jacob Navia is surely much better in the C and Windows area, but my broad interests have their advantages too ;-), although learning them has took quite some of my "working time".

Software I once wrote

I have been an enthusiastic Eiffel programmer. And even today I think Eiffel did a lot of things right which others are now still getting.

I wrote a few packages which now just have some historical value, but I think they are still not the worst pieces of programs. Feel free to judge yourself.

Eiffel Metric System
File/Directory Handling Was one of the first portable implementation to the time as at least 4 Eiffel compilers were available.
Eiffel Formatter Library To my knowledge the first port taken from SIGs now ObjectTools Formatter library which allowed formatted output for all the Eiffel compilers. Now taken over by Berend de Boer
Bignums Library. Probably even today one of the most portable. It has run under ISE Eiffel, Halstenbach Eiffel, Visual Eiffel and SmallEiffel.

My writings

I'm afraid I'm not a really talented writer, but it seem my articles are 'interesting' enough to be published. Over the years I wrote in diverse magazines e.g Toolbox, Linux Magazin and it's english counterpart, freeX

Maybe you're interested in a few of my writing, but be prepared you better beeing able to read german.

Eiffel Series (Quite some time ago but here we go)

Eiffel 1
Eiffel 2
Eiffel 3
Eiffel 4
Eiffel 5
Eiffel 6


Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Scheme 5
Scheme 6

Many of the links will not work any more: What you can see currently, can be found here:

The english translations can be found in the Linux Magazine e.g

Scheme introduction
functional Scheme
Scripting with Scheme
(X)Emacs Stuff

Of course I wrote few lines of emacs lisp over the time, those are in no way polished, the just work as they should for me ;-).

Another wonderful language, way to much understimated. Large influence on quite a few languages, e.g Ruby or Self. Well where would we spend today if all the money would have given to improve Smalltalk instead of reinventing parts of it in other languages? To learn about this wonderful language you may like to check Smalltalk.
Other stuff

Here are some of the newer writings in reverse chronological order,
anyway the pages are not longer accessible, because they've gone out of business

  • Toolbox 03/2006, S. 52ff., Programmierung mit Crypt APIS Introduction into OpenSSLprogramming. On Windows and Linux
  • Toolbox 02/2006, S. 16ff., S(afe)QL> About SQL Injections and PHP
  • Toolbox 01/2006, S. 84ff, Vertrauen - oder lieber doch nicht? About input validation
  • Toolbox 06/2005, S.56ff, Ausgaben - aber sicher? About format String vulnerabilities
  • Toolbox 05/2005, S.6ff, Speicher und Felder, die unendliche Geschichte About format String vulnerabilities
  • Toolbox 04/2005, S.19ff, Der überlaufene Speicher Exploitation of heap-overflows
  • Toolbox 02/2005, S. 20ff, Allokierter Speicher - aber sicher Explantation of the malloc implementation of Linux, called dmalloc, original from Doug Lea.
  • Toolbox 01/2005, S. 14ff., Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei Off-by-ones in C and what may follow out of this.
  • Toolbox 06/2004, S. 78ff., Exploits und Massnahmen gegen Buffer Overflows Tools against buffer overflows, Splint, a boundary-checking gcc and a few more.
  • Toolbox 05/2004, S. 27ff., Wenn der Puffer überläuft Introduction into buffer-overflows, a very good starting point in english can be found at Phrack.
  • Toolbox 3/2004, S. 82ff., Die Downloadbibliothek Introducing libcurl, a very fine library for any kind of download.
  • freeX 2/2002, S. 52f., Qide - eine Entwicklungsumgebung für Unix Description of Qide, the GTK based port of lcc-win32.

I'm not able to give you some more links. If you find some stuff somewhere feel free to drop me a note about where one can find it. I may add it here.
Lcc-win32 extras

Of course you'll find some of my work in the newest versions, but not all the things are done there and explained as properly as one may wish. This are extra packages or documentation, which are unpolished but may give some more insight into C programming with lcc-win32.

Building a DLL
FreeImage usable for lcc-win32
libcurl build for lcc-win32